Asphalt 8 Keyboard Controls
Now, once you’ve seen the highlighted labels, you can start mapping your keyboard inputs /mouse controls to the gamepad buttons and analog, To do this follow the below steps – Simply start double-left clicking by mouse on the Joystick 1 elements – Stick 1.
Gameloft always strives to be among the first developers to publish games on the latestportable hardware in order to provide gamers with heart-pounding experiences onthe go. That’s why Gameloft knew Chrome OS was the right home for Asphalt 8:Airborne, the latest entry in its mobile racing series.
Gameloft was familiar with developing games for different devices, buttranslating the Asphalt experience to the Chromebook’s uniquetouchscreen/keyboard hybrid controls, which could be swapped at any time, seemedchallenging. However, the process turned out to be as painless as it wasrewarding.
What they did
Download speed download v.5.3.0 for mac free. Taking advantage of the Chromebook’s seamless controls and overall power,Gameloft identified several opportunities to improve the experience forChromebook gamers. Gameloft was able to run Android application packages at evenhigher performance levels than native apps, allowing it to maintain the series’breathtaking graphics and breakneck speeds on Chrome OS. Gameloft also added inkeyboard controls that were activated when the game detected users were playingon a Chromebook.
Since the Chromebook treats its physical keyboard like an external keyboard onan Android phone, Asphalt 8: Airborne was able to support Chromebookkeyboard controls using APIs from the Android SDK Platform. That meant Gameloftonly had to dedicate a few days of development time to completely integrate thenew control schemes to the game, resulting in a better end-user experience withkeyboard controls. Overall, the stability of the Chrome OS made for a smoothimplementation process, with no major development problems along the way.
Gameloft also teamed with Google to offer a free pack of in-app items with thepurchase of any Chromebook. Upon initial device setup, users redeemed codes forexclusive cars, turbo boosts, and credits that appeared the next time they openedthe app.
Upon completing the work necessary to deliver a quality experience to theirChromebook users, Asphalt 8: Airborne saw a 6× increase in dailyapp users and a nearly 9× boost in revenue for the Chrome OS app.
Download free john frusciante curtains raritan. The combination of strong results and short turnaround time inspired Gameloft tobring the next entry in the series, Asphalt 9: Legends, to Chromebook aswell. It has since become standard practice for Gameloft to support Chrome OSacross all of its projects.
Get started
Learn how to bestoptimize your apps for Chrome OS.